Saturday, January 12, 2019

Week 1 Post_Tianyi Cui_SectionA01

Feeling shocked, sympathetic and even indignant for professor Valverde after reading Week one’s article Fight the Tower: A Call to Action for Women of Color in Academia, for the first time I become aware of the severe injustice for Asian American women in the United States society. It is so hard to even imagine what professor Valverde had been through during her tenure fight. On the other hand, I am so happy and encouraged that there were people like her who are unwilling to succumb to unfairness; who are not afraid of standing up to fight against prejudice and racism while the majority did the opposite. Even from the passcode of signing in this blog account “justice for all”, I can see Professor Valverde’s aspiration for justice and her persistence in fighting for it. The pepper spray video professor Valverde showed us in the beginning of first class also gave us a great example of how students should stand up and fight for themselves. I believe what professor Valverde tried to tell us is, whatever kinds of discrimination one’s facing, they are not alone. It is extremely important to strive for one’s own right instead of surrendering to the brutal reality. As a Chinese student myself, I never thought racism is still such a severe issue in the United States. I am very fortunate not to have any experiences of being discriminated because of my color. However, this article pulls the cruel truth towards me and shows me the ugliest side of burning injustice. Why everyone is yelling for fairness outside, but the situation never gets better in reality? Why everyone is encouraging diversity while they still look down on people of color?

Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde. “Fight the Tower: A Call to Action for Women of Color in Academia.”
Pham, H., & Pham, K. (2010, February 8). Retrieved January 12, 2019.

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