Friday, May 3, 2013

US response

Ka Pou Sin
Blog Entry for Week 6
May 3,2013

Looking at the article, “CRS Report for Congress”, I feel that the United States is hiding something from us. Us, citizens, should be notified about the truth behind the incident on September 11, 2001. However, all the US did was pass more laws and which only shows that they will punish the people more but it does not tell us why is it happening. Why did we get attacked if we are not involved with anything? I believe we should know the truth of who and why did we get attacked. What the US is doing is just making things seem like they are taking care of the situation but in fact, they are not. They are hiding the facts from us people.  I don’t think people who does the crimes care about how they are punished or what’s their penalty, because the moment they decide to do it , it’s known that they’ll get punished for doing so. So, passing laws to increase the penalties for crimes will not help in anything except make the innocent ones feel better. The innocent ones are the ones who believe in the government and the ones who are clueless about the real world happenings. 

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