Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blog #9

Kimberly Hwang
May 26, 2013
Section A01
Reading: "Why I love my strict Chinese mom" by Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld

A Different Perspective

            Reading this article, a response to the essay "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior," from the daughter of the mother who wrote the essay, reminded me of my own mother. I think it's safe to say that many children can relate to having a very strict parent. I think that Sophia's response to her mother's essay was very touching and necessary. There were many criticisms and even death threats to the mother who wrote "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior," but ultimately the children get the final say as to whether or not their mother was truly the "worst mother ever." Critics may criticize Amy's, Sophia's mother, parenting skills but Sophia appreciates all that her mother has done for her. Most "tiger mothers," although they may seem like a tyrant or a dictator, have the best intentions for their children. I think the reason why mothers push their children so much, especially mothers from minority groups, is because they know that there aren't as many opportunities for people with color than for white people. Whether we like it or not, we live in a white dominant society, and coming from a minority group puts you at a disadvantage. I think that's why Asian mothers push you so hard because they want all their kids to have the same opportunities by excelling in school and attending really prestigious universities. Sophia's response to her mother's essay was needed to let all the critics and haters know that they are taking it the wrong way. Can many Asian kids relate to this type of mother? Do kids from different minority groups also have to deal with "tiger moms"?

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