Sunday, June 4, 2017

Week 10-Margirie Dublin Section: 2

Higher education seems to continue to become more corporatized. I do not think it is subtle that minority/ marginalized groups and women continued to have more restriction and limitations when it comes to education. One example is the tenure positions, when people from that marginalized group apply for these positions with many qualifications that may proceed the expectation, another from the dominate group will not face the same denial or fight that the person of color had to deal with. In “Introduction to Fight the Tower” many of these issues that address the power struggle in universities especially with women of color.
I think his is an important article for those who are not fully aware of injustices. As last week’s theme involved Asian bodies in social movement, I think it is important to address these issues because they do not benefit Asian Americans and continue o silence Asian American woman and other people of color. I feel as a woman who identifies as a woman of color, it is important to be aware of the type of injustices there is within the educational system. I knew that there were problems with getting ethnic studies, and limitation on certain subjects of ethnic studies being taught, but prior to taking this class I did not know how deep the university goes into limiting people. I find it interesting that the university, which we pay thousands for, is so limiting on our education and at times hinders our own knowledge about our own people. I think everything I learn should be taken with a lot of critical thinking and I am not one to fully believe in something I first hear, so there are a few professors on campus I appreciate, and others that I tend to question what they teach, especially when I was taught otherwise.

Question: Having this knowledge about injustices within the system, how could you further help others than just making them aware? Have you tried more to fight for other faculty, students, peers, etc. when they are experiences similar issues?

Valverde, K-L. C., &  Dariotis, W. M. (2017). The Time to Fight is Now: When Asian American Women in Academia Go Rogue.  

Critical Resistance. Retrieved June, 2017, from

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