Sunday, June 4, 2017

Week 10 - Karen Nguyen

Karen Nguyen

ASA 002 A02 – Week 10

June 4, 2017

The Future of Higher Education

            The future of higher education seems really bleak for women and people of color. As universities become more and more corporate, marginalized groups are receiving the short end of the stick. For example, people of marginalized groups, who have all the necessary qualifications, if not more, are passed up for less qualified people when it comes to tenure positions. Furthermore, those who speak up for themselves receive repercussions such as isolation from their fellow peers. All of this and more are addressed in the book “Introduction to Fight the Tower.” The book has actual accounts from people working in high education and their experiences in it. No words are barred and all the accounts are brutally honest. All of this would have surprised me before taking ASA 002 as these things are hidden. However, now I am not surprised. The more and more I learn, the more corruption I see in higher education and nothing else. I know there is hope as more and more people are speaking out and are telling their stories, but I feel that significant change will not be coming anytime soon. The book also goes in depth about how all is not lost despite me being unable to really see it.


What do big event do you think needs to happen for the entire nation to know about what is going on and take action?


Valverde, K., & Dariotis, W. (n.d.). The Time to Fight is Now” 1 : When Asian American Women in Academia Go Rogue.

Blumsohn, A. (n.d.). Retrieved June 04, 2017, from

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