Sunday, June 4, 2017

Week 10 — Jennifer Zhang

Jennifer Zhang
SID# 914019640
ASA 002 / A03

"The Time to Fight is Now": When Asian American Women in Academia Go Rogue

Ah yes, we've come in a full circle. This week's reading, Professor Valverde's and Professor Dariotis's piece, "'The Time to Fight is Now': When Asian American Women in Academia Go Rogue," brings to light, once again, the difficulties Asian American women face in academia. From the first week, with Professor Valverde sharing with us her many obstacles in obtaining tenure, to now, it remains unchanged that solidifying a position of respect and power in education is much more difficult for Asian American women than acknowledged. It was both painful and empowering to read this piece, as it only engraved deeper into me how real my struggles as an Asian American were, are, and will be—from being seen as of lesser importance to constantly being overshadowed by the "model minority" stereotype that has always loomed over me. However, it was also empowering to read that our time has come to speak up, and, referring back to my interview with Leslie Do for our SAPSA video who spoke on the Fight the Tower movement, I do believe we have the power to fight against the imperialism and corporatization of the university. I think it'll be scary, facing our oppressors and calling out the injustices we face from people in higher, more powerful positions, but the fact that there are so many people who are unwilling to remain silenced—who are willing to fight for what belongs to them—puts me at ease, and fills me with hope.

Q: As someone who can sometimes be quiet and reserved, what are some ways to encourage those who are more afraid to speak out to stand up in solidarity with those who are fighting for justice instead of just watching from the sidelines?

Works Cited:

Valverde, C. & Dariotis, W. (2017). "The time to fight is now": When Asian American women in academia go rogue. Fight the Tower

n.d. [Image "Your Asian Wasn't Quiet"]. #Notyoursidekick. Equality Archives. Retrieved from

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