Wednesday, February 20, 2019


This week I did the reading “The Criminalization of Immigration and the Privatization of the Immigration Detention: Implications for Justice” by Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman. This reading was talking about immigrants are more likely to be considered as criminals and be arrested for lack of official documents. The high rate of immigrants being arrested is also tied with the shift of prisons from state-operated to private-operated. The legislation of immigrants gives the private prisons a way to benefit from arresting immigrants.
Most immigrants nowadays in America are colored, mostly from Mexico or Asia. And there’s strong discriminations against them. There is a stereotype slowly building for immigrants that these immigrants are somehow “illegal” to be in the United States. To prevent this stereotype from coming true, I surprisingly support President Trump’s idea of getting rid of illegal immigration but recruits talented people to America. Well it does not mean that i support deporting people that are already here and try to split families. But I do believe that the concept of “immigrants” is here because every country is trying to recruit the best brains for their own use. And there are people who go to college and work hard to try to become a citizen in the US, comparing to the illegal immigrants who come into the US and enjoy what is here for no such hard work. It is not just how the governments are giving the immigrants a hard time for no reason, but it’s how the immigrants are behaving that makes the crowd thinks of them.
Question: is it really true that there are more uneducated and crime-related people among immigrants?

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