Wednesday A01 Group 5
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Pre-screening A01 #5
Group Member: Wenru Shi, Shufan Jin, Raylph Evangelista
Objective:In this SAPSA issue, we want to learn more about reasons that they do not speak their mother language. Questions that we want to ask include, but are not limited to: How do they feel about them probably being the last in their lineage to be able to speak / understand? How does monolingualization impact their sense of culture for not only themselves but maybe their future family as well?
The main goal is to see if Asian Americans agree with the idea that learning their native language can help to better identify themselves and help them to better understand the culture which they come from.
Target Audience: Our target audience includes Asian American parents/millennials/first-generation and later, who do not speak their native language. Through this SAPSA video, we want to let more and more Asian American students to become aware of the problem of monolingualism by presenting current situations and opinions of others through personal interviews.
Group 5 A02:
The video was overall well done and edited well. However, we do think that the audio and some of the fonts need to be fixed. For example, the different interviews vary in volume. Some of the narriation is also very fast and hard to understand. The font also showing the questions is very light and blends with the background. The questions are also shown very fast and sometimes the changes in the question are not as noticeable. The overall content of the video is good and the topic is clearly seen. We also think to add a bit more to the conclusion to better wrap it up. But the overall video was very good and job well done.
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