Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 8 Skye Jin A01

This week, we have been talking about the mental health problem, and the reading "I WOULD ALWAYS RATHER BE ABNORMAL THAN HOLISTIC: NINE MICRO-ESSAYS" by Shana Bulhan Haydock provides ideas that further discuss how should people treat with mental health problems. Based on what Haydock indicates, when it comes to the mental health problem, people always used to solve it with several specific methods instead of a particular therapeutic regimen for each individual. As a contemporary solution to mental health, "Holistic health" is partially disagreed with the author. "would rather be abnormal than holistic,” he indicated. This sentence impressed me and which reminds me of a point that sometimes it is fine to not be "normal" or "holistic." For example, homosexuality is not as acceptable as heterosexuality. However, in the past, as a representative of not "normal", homosexuality has been well accepted in many countries recently and it was considered of a "normal" form of relationship. For this reason, sometimes "normal" does not mean to correct. Since everyone is different for expressing emotions, why should individuals be treated with a whole method instead of different treatments for different people? All in all, here comes to my question: how do we define "normal"? 

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