Monday, March 30, 2020

Sally Tran | A01 | Week 1

Coronavirus news, updates, and information is talked about every single day. I remember when it was spreading from China to other countries and how there were very few cases in the U.S. Now, it is a pandemic affecting millions of people. Towards the end of Winter quarter and during Spring Break, I wondered about how Spring quarter would go and how COVID-19 would impact our daily lives. Everything has been switched to remote-learning and people are working from homes, but that is just one way that our lives have changed. Not everyone has the luxury to work from home and for health care providers, they are sacrificing their time with their families and their lives to help patients and treat this disease. Those that are also considered "essential" are still out there helping. 

As the death tolls rise, so does the racism and xenophobia. Recently, I saw a video where Trump referred to COVID as the "Chinese Virus," and with the responses from WHO and medical professionals, he still stood by it (Klein & Vazquez, 2020). By using this term, it makes it seem like China or anyone associated with China is at fault, which adds to the racism and may lead to more people placing blame without having and understanding what COVID is. Through the media, I have also seen that people are hesitant to shop at Asian supermarkets as well. It's really saddening considering these grocery stores are open, stocked with less and less costumers. This disease is bringing out the fear and racism. 

People participate in a rally in support of Chinese people and people around the world in fighting the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in Chinatown, San Francisco on Feb. 29. The protest calls for understanding among communities and support Chinatown businesses in the U.S.

With so many news sites and media outlets covering COVID-19, what are you reading to make sure you have the facts?

Cao, Y. (2020). Protest in support of Chinatown businesses and understanding in the
community in San Francisco. Time.

Klein, B., & Vazquez, M. (2020, March 19). Trump again defends use of the term

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