Monday, March 30, 2020

Congzhi Jiang, A01, Week 1

Since the corona virus came out, not only the number of confirmed cases but also the number of reported incidents of xenophobia has dramatically increased. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly called the corona virus the "Chinese virus", which can be misused to encourage racism that puts Asian-Americans at risk in the society. Asian-Americans have reported incidents of racial slurs and physical abuse over the perception that Asians are filthy and diseased. In early February, an Asian woman in New York City wearing a face mask was assaulted and physically abused by a stranger in a subway station.

Therefore, I believe what matters in this situation is not only to wash our hands but also to stand up
against racism, which is what I expected to learn from this course. When it comes to social issues
such as gender discrimination and racism, I believe the issues cannot be resolved without aggressiveness. We need to stand up and fight. In the book “Fight the Fighter”, Professor Valverde described her painful journey full of struggles in order to achieve what she deserved.
Her obstacle was what a woman of color would face in academia, and this obstacle mirrors hundreds and thousands of racism and gender discrimination inside and outside of academia. How can we understand the biased system better and make it fair for everyone?

[Wong Fu Productions], (2020, March 20). Year of The OX -"Viral" MV [Video File]. Retrieved from
Valverde, K.-L. C., & Dariotis, W. M. (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars resistance and renewal in the academy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

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