Sunday, April 21, 2013

Walk of Shame

“A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements” by Alan Markow   

     The Occupy Movement happened before I came to UCD. I had no idea what it was. After my acceptance in to the University, I decided to search "UCD" on YouTube to see if I can find any videos that could give me some perspective of my future school. The only videos that came onto my screen were multiple videos of the police the pepper spraying the students. In contrast of the Berkeley’s Movement in 1999, the police took unnecessary measures to gain control. This action was held responsible by Chancellor Katehi. Berkeley's Chancellor responded to the students in the favor of the movement at the end of a long and arduous protest. Although I felt that the anger from the reaction of the pepper spray incident was misplaced onto Chancellor Katehi, I believe she should have been more involved with the situation before it escalated to a dramatic response from the riot control. Maybe she wouldn't have to experience the walk of shame to her car as hundreds of students watched her in silence.
Having a reference of a protest from Berkeley, why didn't the UCD Chancellor learn from the past?

ASA Section A01

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