Sunday, April 14, 2013

Society's Ignorance

Maureen Mai
ASA 2 Reading Reflection #3
"Complicating the Image of Model Minority Success” by Bic Ngo and Stacy Lee

When others guess what my ethnicity is, answers vary from the Southwest and the Southeast. I have always been hesitant to tell others what my ethnicity is because I feel like it’s a way for them to make assumptions about my personality without discovering who I am on their own. It’s a way for them to categorize me into certain stereotypical personality traits. Although, stereotypes are inevitable in the social society, it creates a type of ignorance that I feel is humanity’s downfall.
In the article “Complicating the Image of Model Minority Success” by Bic Ngo and Stacy Lee different Asian American groups are often put under the same stereotypes. Doing this ignores that fact that not all Asian Americans come from the same background and have different same needs. I can see this ignorance apply in my life. Asian Americans are believed to successful and free of problems. In my experience I’ve had struggle in school as much as any other kid did. Through hard work and determination I have been able to get to the point in which I am at right now. However, sometimes others dismiss my handwork though a simple phrase, “Your smart because your Asian.” It infuriates me but ignorance is hard to correct.
I believe that it is especially important for researchers to understand the different aspects of all races. However I wonder if we as humans will ever be able break free from stereotypes in society?

-Maureen Mai

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