Monday, April 22, 2013

A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements

I was surprised as to how different UC Berkeley and UC Davis were in their reactions to the student-led occupy movements about increased tuition at state universities, particularly with the UC system. While UC Berkeley responded by announcing the MCap system, which was designed to help cut university fees of middle-income families, UC Davis responded with complaints about damages and costs from the Occupy movement that students may or may not have made. UC Davis chose to ignore an issue that brought about the Occupy movement from the students, while UC Berkeley chose to address it head on. It made sad to see how poorly my own college’s officials handled this situation, and I was genuinely surprised as to how two schools in the same education system differed from one another when addressing this issue. Why did UC Berkeley respond in such a different way than UC Davis, and why did UC Davis officials choose to ignore this issue?

Timothy Huynh
Section A01

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