Sunday, June 1, 2014

Theraputic Raging

Peggy Li
Section A01
Response to "Angry Little Asian Girl"

I can see why this comic is popular. It can be therapeutic seeing  your own experiences or feelings, though maybe exaggerated. And anger in particular is not a very 'feminine' feeling, so there's that. There's some self-effacing humor, like working yourself up in a way so that in your furious train of thought you forget what even started it. And the use of improper spelling to illustrate her mom's accent (did they actually converse in English?) is maybe for realism, or is sort of an insult one might use when angry. Like, what's an easy, obvious way to insult someone? Make fun of their accent, or rather, their inability to speak proper English. Maybe Lela was poking fun at that brand of childish anger.
I guess I can relate to the "Angry" part of the comic, but my mom didn't really use this kind of 'tough love.' The mom in the comic was right in encouraging her kid to not do nothing all day long, but... just making your kid mad/sad isn't going to do much.

Question: Is telling your kid to "do something!" different and less effective than having specific goals for your kid like Amy Chua (probably) did? B/c "do something" is a pretty nebulous direction and can be a lofty goal if not approached correctly.

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