Sunday, June 1, 2014

Angry Little Asian...MAN... I think

In response to, “Angry Little Asian Girl”

This comic, created by Lela Lee, may or may not be about an angry little Asian girl. Actually, after extensive research and tests, my roommate and I have concluded that it is in fact about an angry little Asian girl who addresses issues of both racism and gender issues. When reading the comics, I was quite entertained as I was able to find parallels between the comic and my own life.
The three comics assigned for this weeks readings all had to do with the Asian girls mother and the relationship between mother and daughter. In each comic, it seemed to me that the mother had quite a critical parenting style. However, when reading the comic, I was not sure whether or not the “Tiger Mother” parenting style was being made fun of, or if it was just enforcing the idea that every Asian child has an over-bearing parent. This puzzled me, so I decided to Google a few more comics. When doing so, I actually got a bit distracted and came to find a common occurrence in the comics. In my opinion, the common phenomena are for the main character to speak up to those who say ignorant comments to her, or are blatantly racist. While also attempting to accurately portray situations and feelings from a minority point of view. After reading these, I have decided that the comics are exaggerating the Tiger Mother stereotype, while also addressing how adolescents feel/think while being critically parented. It is nice to be able to laugh about the micro-aggressions faced by minorities, Asian in particular while reading an Angry Little Asian Girl comic.

Aaron Handa

Section A02

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