Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Week 10_Kathryn Garcia A02


“Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke”

Visual Addition:


Service Others and Speak Truth to Power [Digital image]. (2014, January 20). Retrieved March 5,                2019, from https://occupydekalb.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/celebrate-martin-luther-king-jr-                day-service-others-and-speak-truth-to-power/

Blog Entry:

          In today’s lecture, we watched a documentary about some of the historical and personal events of those within little Saigon. This week’s reading discusses about using education as a powerful tool to awaken ourselves to the lies that we have been fed our whole lives. Many of us have been influenced by what we have experienced and especially by what we have learned in school. The reading explains that we must further educate ourselves and investigate the many injustices we've experienced, because we have overlooked so many. The first step to do this is to act with this sort of self-seeking attitude to willing to embrace your own values and opinions despite it going against the norm. This is similar to those within the documentary. Many were oppressed for showing a belief towards communism. They were isolated and mistreated, because to others it was not the right thing to do. There have many accounts were we have been isolated or mistreated in our own beliefs, because we were told that it’s wrong or it’s not normal. This is how oppression, stereotypes, and racial pressures have come about in our culture. If we further educate ourselves to get to the root of the problem as well as become aware of the what, who, and how we are being oppressed, America could really move forward in terms of racial aspects. However, like the reading suggested, this will take time, and it is a team effort. I hope that as we move on from this class that everyone was able to learn something new and take with them into their lives as well as maybe educate someone else who isn’t aware of the issues.

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