Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sadaf Sadiq- Section 3- Week 10

Sadaf Sadiq
Section 3
Week 10 Reading

Throughout the course of this class, we were taught about so many different East Asian cultures and the struggles they faced in the past and currently. There were various moments in class that I was astonished to learn of some events because I never heard about them before, but they were real and they happened to people like me. In particular, I really enjoyed watching the short film about Vietnamese Americans and their journey to settle in the USA. I never once thought about what it took for large communities to settle in certain areas and call it home. I was also enlightened many times throughout the course when we learned of certain movements or actions that were created to work against our communities as immigrants from a foreign land. In the paper, “Academics Awaken: Power , Resistance, and Being Woke”, the example of the storm trooper from Star Wars is a relevant example of how people of color in institutions need to stand up for themselves. Under the model minority myth, asian americans are used to the advantage of people that want to paint them a specific way. We’re broadly labeled as being one specific type of person, but we need to stand up for ourselves and show people that we aren’t just limited to the stereotype they want us to be. We need to become woke, so that we can critically critique our positions and society and see why these positions have come to define us. This class has taught me that things aren’t as simple as they look, we need to “turn things on its head” to see what system is actually benefiting, what the purpose of some movement is, and why does it matter to us.

Question: How can we teach our future generations to become woke?

Dariotis, W. M., Valverde, C. Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke.
Stormtroopers Question Whether They are on the Good Side in Star Wars. (Digital Image). Retrieved from:

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