Friday, March 8, 2019

Final SAPSA Video A03

Group members: Marissa Gomez Alforja, Natalie Lortz, Nai Saechao

Our SAPSA advocates resources for the LGBTQ+ community at UC Davis and interviews a UC Davis student, who also happens to be Asian American and queer, in hopes of providing advice and support to individuals who may have trouble opening up to their parents about their identity/sexuality. Our intended audience is queer, Asian American college students with a focus on UC Davis students. Our only goal was to promote resources on campus in an attempt to make them more accessible to students who may need them but aren’t aware of them. Finding interviewees, learning how to use iMovie, and actively trying not to offend others who identify as queer were our biggest challenges. If we could go back, we would have found more interviewees and prepared better interview set-up and quality. We hope it helps students understand that they are not alone in their experiences or fears and there are people and support groups out there.

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