One needs not only to be aware of the system of injustice surrounding us, but also to take the initiative to go out and participate in the dismantling of the organized oppression. In the reading "Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke", the author argues that merely complying with the system will result in contributing to and strengthening it, but challenging it will lead to a more just society. One important part was when she discussed the importance of community within the resistance. I thought it was interesting that she noted that western perspectives attribute the eastern thought of collectivism with inherent paternalism as a way to put down the concept, ignoring the effectiveness of having a community and using that to be visible. I think it is important to recognize the colonial mindset we were all raised into believing in and develop a new way of seeing how the world works. We should recognize who has power in our society, how they gained that power, and how they use that power to maintain their dominance above others. Additionally, the goal must not try to steal their privilege and push them to a lower spot, but to empower other groups to hold the same privilege and ensure equality for all. Doing the former will only contribute to the baseless hierarchical system rather than criticizing it and finding a better solution. We must also recognize our own privilege and use our opportunities to help those who are not as fortunate as us.My question is, how do we persuade those in power to fight the tower without having them feel as if their privilege is threatened.
Dariotis, W. M & Valverde, K. L. (n.d.). "Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke"
Photo Retrieved from Loryn Brantz (2015)
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