Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 2- Cory Takiguchi

Cory Takiguchi
Week 2

Many Asian Americans live in the shadow of their parents. “Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety” by OiYan Poon and Ajani Byrd present statistics about the intrinsic decisions made by modern day 1.5 to second generation Asian American students. According to Surveymonkey, Asian Americans listed their top college decision factors as: academic reputation, family approval, affordability, and career plans. In fact, many students claimed parental involvement was one of the key factors in their decision making. I was not surprised by this ranking. In most Asian American households, parents make academics their top priority. I know some friends whose parents decided on their major and college plans without any input from the student themself. Although I think it’s commendable that parents care so much about their child’s future, the son or daughter should be the one to control his or her own life. The student should choose his or her major and college of choice. Fortunately for me, my parents have a hands off parenting technique. They let me choose my own career and did not force me to become a doctor or engineer (both of which are stereotypical careers for Asian students). As of right now, I am an undeclared major but am thinking of majoring in economics. I would not have been able to take classes and invest in a subject that I enjoy if my parents forced a major upon me. My hierarchy of college decision factors would be: affordability, campus visits, institutional ranking, and academic reputation. My list differs from the one found in Surveymonkey because my choices center around which school is the best fit for me. Surveymonkey ranks schools that center around what the parents want for their children. Asian American students are encouraged to keep the values stressed by their parents, such as responsibility and hard work, but should be entitled to choose whatever career is best suited for them.

Were you able to choose your own major? What external factors contributed to your decision to attend UC Davis?

Poon, O. & Byrd, A.  (2013). Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices. Journal of College Admissions, 2013. Retrieved September 30, 2017

ABC Television Network. (2017, May 15). Jessica’s life plans-Fresh off the Boat 3x22 [video file] Retrieved from: September 30, 2017

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