One important takeaway from week two’s reading was the idea of how higher education policy jargon affects the institution and students. For example, the notion that performance-based funding would not improve ethnic studies such as Asian American Studies showed me another side of education. In “Unpacking the Master’s Plan” by Eliza Noh, Noh describes how majors are rewarded for improvement even if “there are few, if any cases of successful implementation.” Coming from a different major, I thought about how the intended trajectories of some degrees lead programs to prioritize establishing their merit and ability rather than cranking out high scores. Ethnic studies such as ASA require awareness of issues by large amounts of people and intending to give resources based on a system that does not work for every major will limit the visibility of the major to new students.
Further discussed jargon encouraged me to make associations with terminology more often expected in corporate dialogue than in an institution for higher learning. I was waiting to learn about new “business ” terminology after a while.
Question: Is there a way to get a company discount for college tuition?
Noh , E. ( n.d. ). "Unpacking the Master's Plan". Retrieved from Readings/Week2? preview=6318932
Image Source:
Overman, S.( n.d. ). Fighting the Stress of Teaching to the Test. Retrieved from
Question: Is there a way to get a company discount for college tuition?
Image Source:
Overman, S.
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