Unpacking the Master Plan enlightened me to much of the phenemona which drove me into a state of confusion in my time in university. Coming from a relatively small high school, I was used to very involved faculty and close attention being paid to me; Missing classes meant a stern talking to from the teacher and all. In college I felt invisible; like a ghost haunting a campus. No one registered my presence I simply floated in and out of classes. And it seems this pattern would continue until someone stuck a graduation cap on me, my family comes to take pictures, I'm handed a diploma, and shunted out into an even stranger and more unfamiliar world none the wiser than when I came in.
I wondered if I was doing something wrong. Was there something wrong with me? Reading the article confirmed my burgeoning notions that not only was nothing wrong; this was intentional by design.
Always Searching. Never Finding.
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