Saturday, June 29, 2019

Bianca Taruna - Week 2 - SS1

When I first read WP’s poem “Who Killed Soek-Fang Sim?,” I kept on thinking in my mind that the
school’s act is no different than bullying. They are slowly torturing the writer’s life and if I were in
WP or Soek-Fang’s shoes, I am pretty sure that I’ll fall into depression. To be labeled as a dumb
teacher, poorly organized, incohesive, incomprehensible, and a dumb scholar by the institution despite
all the publicity and hard work, to be forced to work with a torn birth canal without given a maternity
leave, and directly go to work after a series of surgeries it is simply unacceptable and unfair. This
particular poem connects to the theme of Week 2 since WP wrote this to attack the institution. It was
mentioned in the reading underneath the poem that she could not afford to pay for a lawyer. Even if
she could, the lawyer could not help bring justice but instead, only to drop the case. She wanted to get
her rights back as a human being. Speak up for those who are in the same situation as her and wanted
others to realize sooner that they do not deserve to be treated that way.
United Nations once said, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

Question: Why could the lawyer only drop the case? Isn't the evidence valid enough to proof injustice
and discrimination?

Works Cited
projects, Contributors to Wikimedia. “Declaration Adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly.” Wikiquote, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2 Apr. 2019,
“‘Human Rights’ Memes & GIFs.” Imgflip,

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