Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4 Thomas Tran A01

In the excerpt from Whistleblower by Amy Block Joy, she explains the corruption that she experienced at the University of Davis. Amy Block Joy, a whistleblower, attempted to expose the illegal actions that her supervisor was committing. She stated to the police officer that her supervisor was embezzling. Amy continuously tried to expose her supervisor by sending letter to the Dean, Chancellor, and police department; but everything letter or attempt to notify them failed. But why was she the one being interrogated and made to feel as she was the one at fault? This just goes to show that someone was trying to keep her quiet. She was not the only one that knew this was happen either, both her coworkers and fellow staff were aware of the embezzlement occurring, but choose to stay silent, while Amy Block Joy wanted to pursue justice. I believe that if everyone banded together with Amy Block Joy they would've seen justice. The significance of this demonstrates how people silence minorities and individuals in the higher ranks are allowed to do almost anything they want while being faced with no consequences.

Since this corrupt action happened at Davis, this leads me to wonder how much corruption is achieved in all the University systems?

Joy, A. B. (2010). Whistleblower. Point Richmond, CA: Bay Tree Pub.

Tomori, O. (n.d.). Let’s establish national university of corruption [Digital image]. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

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