Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4- Brandon Choi

Brandon Choi
Oct 15, 2017

            “Whistleblower” by Amy Joy is a narrative about the author’s experience of reporting criminal activity within UC Davis. The stigma with reporting something like this is scary and destructive. Being a “whistleblower” usually leaves the individual alone and filled with stress and harassment; however, Amy Joy stood up and voiced her evidence. While reading, I found it quite eye opening how the school isn’t just a school but also a business. Our enrollment only means a source of money flow into their accounts. With that being, said how would we know if these officials and higher positioned are using our money wisely. I commend the author for shedding light on an issue that should never have been an issue. Students should be thriving and immersing themselves in a higher education at UC Davis, not pay for the chancellors new car or wonder if the hefty price is worth the value.

Are schools being ran like businesses the reason for education quality deteriorating in America?


Joy, A. B. (2010). Whistleblower. Point Richmond, CA: Bay Tree Pub.

"State Employee Whistleblower Retaliation." Washington State Human Rights Commission. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2017.

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