Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4-Sabrina Gomez A01

Sabrina Gomez

Upon reading "Ethics and and 'Breaking Bad': Developing and Practicing Ethical Skills" by Amy Block Joy I was surprised to discover that places of work actually required ethical tutorials. Prior, I had been cognizant of general workplace rules and etiquette for orientation purposes but I never knew that there were specialized tutorials for ethics. That being said, I was even more surprised when the article stated that some of these ethical regulations are often ignored or not followed. In social settings or small group settings, it may be plausible for an individual to opt to not stir up an issue even though it is prevalent within the group. In a professional setting though I can see why there are implications as to how and why the ethical regulations are followed, specifically when an issue is occurring and not being brought to light. This is similar to the term "group think" meaning everyone goes along with the group. Perhaps this brings up the question of whether or not these ethic tutorials are even being as effective as they are intended to be. This notion can definitely be seen in even friend groups or college settings. Since people do not have to directly deal with authority everyday, it can definitely seem daunting to confront them. When on the other hand, people have to deal with people of their same entry level everyday and it is logical to not want to stir up issues even if the issue is not connected to one specifically. Block emphasizes the importance of practice in order to reach a working level of ethical decision making. I agree with this statement, however in addition I believe all individuals need a push to start this practice. "Action oriented ethics" I feel engulfs a big part of ethical practice because for example actually speaking up shows more ethical value than one verbally talking about what they believe in.

Question: Given that ethical tutorials are not as effective as they are intended to be, how can organizations of power implore others to take ethical action without facing group think?


Joy, Block Amy. (2017, October 13). Ethics and “Breaking Bad”: Developing and practicing Ethical Skills. Compliance and Ethics Professional. Retrieved October 14, 2017.

Grandlund, Dave. Mass. polical ethics reform. [Digital Image]. Retrieved October 14th, 2017.

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