Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4: Alexander Soong A03

Alexander Soong
ASA002 A03
Week 4 Blog Post

While reading Fredik DeBoer's "Why We Should Fear University Inc." I couldn't help but realize the glaring reality that is present in universities these days. Students at private or public school have been the cash cow's of the university, and to be honest it seems unclear whether or not the students are benefactors of the increased tuition at all. I believe this can be attributed to a fundamental change in the university administrator's goals while running the university. It's become how to get the most money into their pockets rather than guaranteeing a high quality education. I think a pretty obvious example is with all the new dorms being built on campus. By bringing thousands of more students to campus each year, the university is bound to have more money flowing in. But where is that money going to? Is it helping facilitate these thousands of students receive a quality education?

To me, the answer is we could never know what happens behind those closed doors at university meetings. Bottom line is, while we feel like it should be up to us, it never will be. Just as how we live in a democracy, and think that we get to dictate how our country is run and universal rights etcetera. The fact of the matter is we are here at their allowance. They hold all the power. We need an education from some university, the best one we can get, and there are only such a limited number of universities where students can go to get such "quality" or should I say "name-brand" education.


1. DeBoer, F. (2015, September 9). Why We Should Fear University, Inc.. The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved October 15, 2017.

2. Lendman, Stephan. “Kaplan University Ripping Off Poor Students for Profit.” Freedom's Phoneix, 23 Sept. 2010,

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