Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 3: Megan Tang

Megan Tang
Week 3

Many families believe that the perception of doing well in America is to do well in school. In particular, "Candice's statement reveals many of the youth's education that it flows in a sequential manner 1) getting an education, 2) finding a good job and 3)having a good life that can be linked to being financially stable." The point of view of the education system resonates deeply in Hmong and other Asian American families. However, there is more to Hmong education - there is Hmong history. Getting connected and knowing the roots of where your families are from are really important. I believe that even though many Asians live in America; many do not know where their families come from. Tradition and culture are equally as important as education. This reading made me realize there is still a lot I need to learn about my culture like how the Hmong students are still learning about theirs. There is no need to hide behind a wall and hide your culture since you have moved to a different country. In fact, it is important to embrace and be proud of where you come from. For, what is it really like to be "American?" Who are "Americans?" In my opinion, we all are American in our own ways.

Question: How can we understand our families' history when we only learn about America in the US?

References: Clark, J. (2007, May 01). In Search of the American Dream. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

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