Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 2 - Madison Yn

Madison Yn
ASA 002 - A02

My understanding of the purpose of education was to expand the thoughts of the mind and introduce new ways of critically analysing in order for one to access their potential and capabilities, however after reading Jamie Lee’s “The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers” I realized my interpretation of education was an idealistic view that America’s educational developers wanted people to blindly assume believe in. Lee exposes the egoistic intentions the titans of industry had from the beginning of the education system to the adoption of the thought limiting Prussian method, none of which encourage intellectual stimulation or innovative thinking. The Prussian education system where youth were instructed what to think and how long to think offers parallels to that of the Orwellian society describes in George Orwell’s “1984” where the Thought Police controlled the parameters of people’s minds and penalized those with wandering observations. Historically, education has proved to be an instrumental tool for social engineering because of its ability to reach a vast number of people and indoctrinate at a young age. Especially in regards to the Prussian method and John Dewey’s approach, education strictly trained people to go into the workforce therefore, limiting their knowledge and ability to revolt or criticize a system that oppressed their potential. Therefore, Lee reveals that international rankings and status are not immense priorities of the American education administrators, but rather the ability to manipulate and exploit the American public to advance their personal agenda.

What are the benefits of adopting an international education systems (such as Common Core) aside from the convenience of comparing standardized test scores? Why did industry titans and other affluent figures endorse a “one world, one government” structure?

Lee, J. (2014, January 28). The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers. Walking Times. Retrieved 2015, from

Santana, Inelis. (n.d.). No Child Left Behind. Retrieved from

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