Jamie McCaa
ASA 002 Section A03
Week 2
ASA 002 Section A03
Week 2
In “Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety – Ethnic, Gender, and
Generational Difference in Asian American College Access and Choices”, the
differing factors for Asian American’s selection of colleges are brought to
light. The study focuses on analyzing these differences on the basis of
ethnicity, gender, and generational differences – and finds evidence of
different ethnic groups, genders, and generations weighing certain factors
involved in their college decision process more heavily, discrediting the wide
idea that all Asians have a “tiger mom” over their shoulder trying to force
them to go to the most prestigious college.
In the article, the authors detail how a difference in
generational status can greatly affect who a student considers to be the most
influential person in their college decision making process. I found this to be
particularly interesting, and I was surprised by the diversity in whom these
Asian American students relied on most for their sources of information for
colleges. The article also points out that the academic ranking of the college
is significantly more important to East Asian Americans, and being away from
home being less significantly important, which, I found to be intriguing. Is
that because East Asians have the socioeconomic stability to consider the
ranking of the college to be ultimately important, and can also afford to have
children attend college out of state? Or another culturally different reason
The results of this study raise many intriguing questions,
as well as show evidence of the massive diversity among the Asian American
population in regards to education. Too often are Asian Americans regarded as a
monolith of robotic and high-achieving students, with parents – especially “tiger
moms” – who hound them to gain access to elite universities. A study like this
is vital for people to become more aware of the varying circumstances,
privileges, and people that shape Asian American student’s college decisions.
Question: How does the belief in the “tiger mom” shape
non-Asian American perceptions of Asian American students? Do you believe the
belief in the “tiger mom” influences Asian American admittance to schools – as in,
does this belief affect how Deans of Admissions and other such powerful figures
in universities perceive Asian American students and their achievements?
Poon, O., & Byrd, A. (2013). Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety –
Ethnic, Gender, and Generational Difference in Asian American College Access
and Choices. Journal of College Admissions. Retrieved
October 1, 2017.
[Digital Image]. Oh, Youjin. (n.d). Retrieved October 1, 2017 from https://contexts.org/articles/tiger-moms-vs-real-moms/.
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