Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 2- Brian Dang

Brian Dang
Section A01
Week 2

     "The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers" by Jamie Lee provides some enlightening evidence about the current state of the educational system. It states that the the educational system was designed to socially control the young generation to have certain beliefs so that those in power could more easily impose their ideas on the government and society. Many of us today are affected by this kind of propaganda. Growing up, I thought that I was too trusting of information given to me. It is especially easy within this internet age to spread misinformation and be bombarded with ideas and articles that you don't know what's right and wrong. Social media also creates and echo chamber for people to validate their beliefs by surrounding them with many others of the same opinions without once questioning their own beliefs. Even though our education system might be trying to socially engineering the current generation, I've had teachers and others push that I should be able to think critically on the information I'm given. But since I believe myself to be easily susceptible to propaganda, I've resorted to pushing my opinions to the other side of the spectrum. I am immediately distrustful of almost all information that I see online or hear from others. Even those within this current ASA class. This would be fine, but I put zero effort to find countering opinions and evidence to compare and create my own opinion. This leaves me with no strong opinions at all on either side.


Lee, J. (2014, January 28). The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers. Waking Times. Retrieved October 1, 2017.

Wake Up Sheeple [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from

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