Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week 2 - EuJune Kim A01

Week 2
EuJune Kim
Section A01

Theme: Debunking Myths about Asian Americans and Higher Education

"Nothing is real, everything is a lie" is the first thought that went through my head when I finished
reading "The Untold History of Modern US Education: The Founding Fathers" by Jamie Lee.
I mean, I knew already that monopolization was huge in the US and that big corporations were
the ones in control of most major institutions in society but I never thought that even the sacred
idea of education was encroached by them as well.

When I read that "Rockefeller kick-started the creation of the General Education Board (GEB)" and that
in total he gave funds totalling up to nearly "$7.5 billion dollars", I was shook. Basically, our entire education
system, starting from grassroots of preschool to the prestigious levels of college PhDs and above is one giant system
to keep "working middle-class from ever rising" through to luxury and a place of authority.

The industrial conglomerates got together to seriously screw over the working middle class
and to keep all the glory and riches to themselves. It is crazy to think about how everything, and I mean everything
is under their control. They designed the institutions (school and colleges) to 'teach' the youth what they 'needed'
to know. Like Professor Valverde said, by manipulating the institutions and nurturing the nubile minds, these people
were able to dominate every aspect of peoples' lives.

My question is: How might this affect Asian Americans and other students that belong to a minority race? If 'white
privilege' is indeed in motion as society has recently uncovered, what methods are put in place against minority races
and how would it work against them?

PS: If you really want to know more about corporations and how they control a lot in society, there is
a very interesting episode of Last Week Tonight by John Oliver where he discusses Corporation Consolidation.
I highly recommend you check it out.

1. Lee, J. (2014). The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers. Retrieved October 1, 2017.
2. (n.d) Retrieved October 05, 2017,  from

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