Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 2 - Angela Kang

Angela Kang
ASA 02- A02
Week 2

In the article, “Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety - Ethnic, Gender and Gender Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices”, I realized that I can relate to the reading as I experienced the same circumstances other asian americans have. Throughout my life, I was always influenced on the importance of education by my parents and how a degree would give me great success in life. After reading the article I noticed that although my parents were my main supporters, my high school counselor influenced me the most on pursuing my college journey. My parents never attended college themselves and had always wished my sister and I would but didn’t really know how to help with the process of college application. When the time came to start applying for college, my counselor helped me the most throughout the whole process and allowed me to think about the path I wanted to take in order to achieve my goals. My parents never told me which school to attend and what major to choose but instead allowed me to choose for myself and support me with my decisions. One thing that I disagree with in the article is the statement “ being close to home is less important to East Asian Americans than for other ethnic groups”, as a Korean American myself choosing a college that was close to my family and home was important. Compared to all UC’s, UC Davis is only 3 hours away from home which allowed me drive home whenever I want unlike UC’s that are located in southern California. Overall, my parents were always there for me and supported me while my counselor helped me actually throughout the college process.

Question: Why do women acknowledge more on the influence that parents have on their pathway to college while men are less likely to admit their parents influenced them? What happens if the female and male are from the same household? Do they still have different opinion?

“Roar of the Tiger Mom.” Diablo Magazine,

Poon, O., & Byrd, A. (2013). "Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Difference in Asian American College Access and Choices. School of Education: Faculty Publication and Other Works, 23-30. Retrieved October 1, 2017. 

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