Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 1- Cory Takiguchi

Cory Takiguchi
Week 1

Unfortunately, in a country dominated by one race, life is not fair. From the condonement of slavery to the containment of Japanese Americans, our nation has a history of judging people based on the color of their skin. This is why people of color must fight for equality. Professor Valverde, a Vietnamese American, stood up for herself and documented her struggle to earn  tenure in “Fight the Tower: A Call to Action for Women of Color in Academia.” Although Professor Valverde was a graduate of UC Berkeley and a highly qualified candidate for tenure, her less accomplished peers received job security over her due to her racial background. Ironically, the discrimination against Valverde came from within the Asian American Study Department, the one department that should have embraced her Vietnamese background.  Fortunately for Valverde, many of her students fought for her tenure by using protest threats and petitions. Different forms of protest are essential for people of color to express their opinions in a society unwilling to listen. Many public demonstrations are successful in drawing worldwide attention. For example, the UC Davis pepper spray protest of 2011 in response to tuition price increases, drew worldwide media attention. The administration’s handling of the protest contributed to the eventual resignation of controversial chancellor Linda Katehi.  More recently, NFL players kneeling during the national anthem as a gesture of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement has garnered support around the nation. It even drew a response from one of the major roots of the protest, President Donald Trump. Protests can be instrumental in drawing attention and advocating for a certain cause because actions speak louder than words. For people of color, it is often good to protest, as they may garner support and draw the attention of their targeted group.
Question: Do you believe protests are the best way for challenging authority? Many schools, such as UC Berkeley, are notorious for displaying both peaceful and violent protests. Should protests be regulated or should people have the right to protest in whatever way they choose?

Associated Press. (2017, Sep 23). NFL Anthem Dispute: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Fires back at Trump. Retrieved from:

Valverde, K., (2013). “Fight the Tower” : A Call to Action for Women in Academia, 12(2), 367-419. Retrieved September 29, 2017

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