Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 1 - Billy Chen

Billy Chen
Section A02
Week 1

“Fight the Tower: A Call to Action for Women of Color in Academia,” by Professor Valverde tells us about her journey and fight to receiving tenure as an Asian-American woman in the university system and how she almost died getting there. I was extremely appalled at how much strength and perseverance Professor Valverde had when reading the first page of her text. Reading it kept of on the edge of my seat as if I was in the emergency room with her. She speaks about the university system and tells us about the underlying social and political problems intertwined in them. I’ve always had an idea that the universities treat their schools more like businesses rather than the educational places they're supposed to be.
Even after being pushed down over and over again with subtle side remarks and attacks from her colleagues and supervisors, she still worked towards her dream, which I have a ton  respect for. I believe that people should always have this mindset when working towards their goal and that giving up should be the option when all else is lost.
Since I am an Asian-American as well, this reminds me of my parents when making their journey to America and finding work. My father jumped from job to job, working construction, or painting cars, just to provide for my mother, my sister, and I. This was a difficult journey for him because of his english speaking ability and his little education. Although he worked tirelessly all his life, he never gave up to give our family a comfortable life and even achieved his dream of purchasing a home just like Professor Valverde did with her tenure.

Question: Is re-evaluation necessary if a teacher/professor has already proven themselves worthy over years of work just for tenure?

Image result for no discrimination


  1. Valverde, K., (2013). “Fight the Tower”: A Call to Action for Women in Academia, 12(2), 367-419. Retrieved September 29, 2017

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