Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sabrina Gomez- Week 2 A01

Sabrina Gomez
Week 2

Upon reading "The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers" it was shocking to see relevant education statistics. As the article itself is from 2014, a time when I was a junior in high school, it makes me curious as to how much these statistics have changed over the past few years, for better or for worse. A statistic that really struck me as relevant is that only 64% of college enrolled students graduate within six years. If this is that case, I can expect an even lower statistic for students to graduate in 4-5 years. This is still very much relevant today because recruiting members for colleges proves time after time again to not be nearly as hard as actually retaining them throughout their educational journey. A big fact of that matter, is that yes flaws in the Modern U.S Educational system, but another issue I believe to be the culprit is no other than the lack of support and resources for students. Specifically students of all races and backgrounds. I believe that is is illogical in a sense to place the blame on educators for this lack of retention, while I believe to be higher up the chain of command in education. If the educators themselves do not have the structure and yet alone resources as well to provide students, how can students themselves gain that support. While Common Core has gained an outstanding amount of popularity and financial income, because it is thought to help students. It brings up the question, of whether programs such as common core should really be put in the spotlight while other educational issues are at hand, and does it really help address issues such as retention.

Question: Has the fact that the Common Core corporation in India is financially thriving been misinterpreted as a revolutionary educational asset or is Common Core really proving to be beneficial?


Lee, J., (2014). "The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers"

One Size Fits None [Digital Image]. (2014). Retrieved October 1, 2017 from

1 comment:

  1. Examining Common Core is opening up a scary can of worms. But, you're on the right road to question.
