Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jason Indarto - Week 2 - SS1

Following the reading from week 1, this week’s reading “Who Killed Soek-Fang Sim?” is a poem by the same author W.P which further elaborates on her situation in the first week’s reading by using another similar example to reinforce her own. Therefore, I would also like to elaborate further on what I posted on blog 1 on what I deducted in the poem I have read. It’s interesting to see that discrimination is prevalent everywhere around us even though it isn’t discussed in depth at certain places that we come across in everyday life. Growing up in a very conservative society where a person’s reputation is determined by their status and relationships with one another, I too have always been compared to other people my age by my parents. Much like in the poem, the writer discusses the lengths that they put in order to stand out above other people like themselves; at what cost though? I thought that this was only because I lived in a developing country and that chinese traditions and cultures are everywhere. However, I was also shocked to read that this also happens in developed countries like the US.
Q) Do asian americans who were brought up by traditional methods have a sense of self fulfillment once they have done an achievement?


Sources: What No One Tells You About Asian Parent Expectations (4 minute read). (2018, May 1). Retrieved from https://sumonsleeve.com/2018/05/what-no-one-tells-you-about-asian.html

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