Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4 -Tian Lan

Tian Lan
ASA Section 01
Week 4 Blog

The articleWhy We Should Fear University, Inc.” talks about the corporatizations of University. The author, an English PHD student who graduates from Purdue university, is astonished by the external and internal corporatization of universities. Externally, the university is occupied by the large corporations, such as Starbucks that provide coffee for students, and Nike that making clothes for campus athletics students. Internally, the administration is trying to take over the university since there are more administer than professors. The professor becomes the labor worker, and the students become their loyal customers. The administers trying to build a university that serve the institution rather than the student. After I have read this passage, I have a strong feeling that the university is a place where the administers can constantly exploit for their own interest and ignore their students need, and no longer a place where students can enjoy their time and obtain the skills that they need for their future. They need overcome so many injustices in the university and their voice may not be heard. I think that university need to change and reform. It shouldn’t be so expensive and should give more power to the faculty member who knows the students very well, and let them to determine the future of the university. Most importantly, the students voice should also matter, because they are the most valuable assets of the university. [1]


How can we reform the university that can better serve our future students?  



1.     DeBOER, F. (2015, September 9). Why We Should Fear University, Inc. [PDF]. The New Times Magazine.
2.   Preston, K. (2013, January 23). The Corporatization of Higher Education . Retrieved October    15, 2017, from

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