Friday, October 13, 2017

Week 4- Thuong Nguyen, A01

This week I read, "Why We Should Fear University, Inc: Against the corporate taming of the American college." This article discusses how the system of education has been created by and for the University. I found it mind-blowing. One of its points brought up the misuse of Title IX, "...the erosion of political freedom," and the censorship of ideas that differ from those of the institution. Surprisingly, it is not the University that is censoring the diversity of ideas, it is the students themselves. They have been brought up within an established culture; students engineered to preserve the ideas that support the college's own agenda.This reminds me so much of the quote that Mouavangsou presented in lecture from Carter G. Woodson, "If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action...he will go without being told; if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one." I do not know if there is a solution to this problem. The less than 1% have engineered a system that ensures their status in the upper class, and they have strategically transformed education into a symbol of hope. This is the hope for financial stability, for success, and ultimately, the ticket into the upper class. In theory if you work hard to attain your degree and advance in education, you should achieve a higher class status, however, in reality, there are many obstacles that have been placed to prevent those from ever reaching that dream.

Question: What can one do with the knowledge that we have just learned from reading the article? How can one take action?

DeBOER, F. (2015, September 09). Why We Should Fear University, Inc. New York TImes Magazine. Retrieved October 13, 2017.  

In Corporation they Trust [Jpg]. (2015, June 27).

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