Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 4: Noelani Pastor

Noelani Pastor
Section A01
Week 4

After reading the first chapter of "Whistleblower" by Amy Block Joy, I was surprised at how ignorant some university's authorities can be. The fact that they ignored Joy's request and information for their own benefit makes me quite unsettled. The way Joy explained her whole experience and what she felt while in the police interview, helped me see things from her point of view. During her interview, she spoke strongly about how her boss reacted to her letter which surprised me. Usually, your boss is supposed to stand behind you, but her boss was in shock that she found out about the embezzlement. My family has gone through something very similar to this situation. At our old church, they found that the money was being distributed to wrong areas and money started disappearing as well. When they found out, they brought it with the church board then the church board turned on them and tried to attack them back. In the end, my family was right about everything and left the church. I commend Joy for speaking up even though she knew that it might jeopardize her job. For someone to have that much courage is very admirable. In her case, she followed through with her intuition. I'm still in disbelief that the department was not following the university's conduct and fired Joy because she finally found out about their misconduct. 

Question: Considering the situation she was in, was she hesitant about bringing it up with the vice-chancellor and did she have second thoughts after she went through with it?

1) Joy, A. B. (2010). Whistleblower. Point Richmond, CA: Bay Tree Pub.

2) Mankoff, R. (1995, April 3). "I gotta tell ya, these embezzlement convictions raise a red flag." [Digital image]. Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

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