Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 4 - Gerald Malvin

Gerald Malvin
ASA 02 - A01
Oct 14th, 2017

     As I read the reading for this week, I read "Whistleblower" by Amy Block Joy, a thought came into my mind how after spending a year in UC Davis, I realized how school is more of like a business than an academic institution. A simple example would be registering for classes here, it is as if that classes were a lottery and only the lucky ones could join the class, all the while paying the same tuition fees. I applaud Amy for being able to stand up and state her voice. I realized that since the school is already an established institution, it would be very hard for me to try and change the system, I can only adapt to this unfair situation and 'fight' the system in my own way. It is very sad how I came to America bearing high hopes for my college as UC Davis was my dream school yet I also need to accept the reality because a lot of schools now, even back home in Indonesia, are more and more leaning towards commercialization.


Joy, A. B. (2010). Whistleblower. Point Richmond, CA: Bay Tree Pub.

Image result for occupy protests uc davis

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