Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 4- Deon Anthony

Deon Anthony
ASA 2 A01
Week 4
15 October 2017

“A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis Respond to Occupy Movements” by Alan Markow discusses the Occupy Movement and how the two schools responded to the issue of the rising cost of attending universities. UC Berkeley responded by announcing to make its’ campus more affordable for those of middle class, while UC Davis’ chancellor decided to complain about the cost spent over student protests and how they vandalized the campus. Hearing about this issue is quite outrageous, even shameful, to accept that this is the type of school I chose to attend. UC Davis found that the money spent to clean up their campus was of greater importance than students being able to afford attending their school, or even be able to pay off loans and debts. This short article actually speaks words to me because I come from -not a middle- but a low-income family, who receives plenty of financial aid, but still struggles to pay for school tuition. This article proves how schools are just part of a business industry. Universities receive thousands of applicants each year. Students’ need for financial support won’t matter as much because they will always get more and more new students every year.
Universities receive way more than the cost spent over the damages Davis students were accused of making. Why does the cost spent on damages alter whether or not student tuition is lowered or not?
Markow, A. (2011, December 22). A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements. Retrieved October 14, 2017

"Education nowadays." No one can stop the greedy, money-eating seesaw. • r/im14andthisisdeep. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

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