Friday, October 13, 2017

Week 4- Cory Takiguchi

Cory Takiguchi
Section A03
Week 4

The article Ethics and ‘Breaking Bad’: Developing and practicing Ethical Skills by Amy Block Joy uses a personal anecdote about whistleblowing and discusses the trials and tribulations of reporting wrongdoings in universities. I have always been told by my parents, teachers, and administrators to report any wrongdoings that you do or witness. I have always been hesitant to do so because I don’t want to be labeled a “tattletale” or “snitch.” In all honesty, I would not have to the courage to report an incident unless it was something drastic such as rape. However, I do applaud those who are motivated to report incidents that violate integrity and ethical codes. This is why I respect Amy Block Joy for reporting her findings of embezzlement. I was not surprised that the University was hesitant to act on her findings. Why would the University have any incentive to do so? Acting on the findings would only draw unwanted media attention, lower academic reputation, attract fewer students, and ultimately but most importantly, result in a loss of money. The corporatization of university is a result of Amy’s findings not being acted upon. The irony of this is that universities preach about preserving ethical codes of conduct. In “Why We Should Fear University Enc.” author Fredrik DeBoer claims universities have the process all wrong. He claims the entire purpose of sexual harassment training is to protect universities from legal action that could be taken against the them instead of the training being used for the education of students. Ultimately, if a student does report an incident of sexual harassment what would the university do? They were hesitant, and actually discouraged, Amy Block Joy to present her findings of embezzlement. I believe the university would take action for something as serious as sexual harassment but be discrete in their handling. They would do anything to prevent the incident from denting their public image. If universities truly cared for their students, they would drop all the corporate incentives and act in a way that benefits their students.

Are private or public Universities more corporate? Which one cares about the well-being of their students more? Also, Is “Breaking Bad” a good show?

Joy, Block Amy. (2017, October 12). Ethics and “Breaking Bad”: Developing and practicing Ethical Skills. Compliance and Ethics Professional. Retrieved October 13, 2017.

deBoer, Fredrik. (2015, September 9). Why We Should Fear University, inc. The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved October 13, 2017.

Hall, Matthew. (n.d). [Digital Image]. Retrieved October 13, 2017 from

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