Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 4 - Angela Kang

Angela Kang
ASA 02- A02
Week 4

In the reading A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis Responds to Occupy Movements, the author showcases the stark difference in response from both schools regarding the Occupy Movement. It was really shocking to acknowledge that the school I attend was more concerned about the “destruction” of property over the safety and opinions of students. Although both schools are within California’s UC system, Berkeley heard the concerns of the students and acted in favor to understand the students position and meet accommodations. However, Davis instead disregarded the purpose of the Occupy movement and focused on the negativity. According to Davis, the cost of cleaning and the restoration of the buildings holds more value over students concerns. If a school is made for the students and promotes expression, why weren’t the students heard? As being in the middle class myself, I felt anger towards this issue as this problem also concerns me and may have helped me today if Davis had a different approach to this issue. The MCap was specifically made for UC systems to include within their schools but it makes no sense why Davis would not use this program and benefit from the positivity it would enforce on campus and within the students. Everything that UC Davis did in comparison to UC Berkeley on this matter shows how even in the same UC system the schools motives are different.

Question: How long has it been since MCap was introduced? Is UC Davis the only UC that does not support this program?

Markow, A. (2011, December 22). A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements. Retrieved October 14, 2017

Bell, Melissa. (2011, November 11). [Digital Image]. Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

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