Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 3- Deon Anthony A01

Deon Anthony
Week 3
Kaozong N. Mouavangsou’s “Hmong1 Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation Of Hmong Americans” explains how the U.S. education system was a great source of miseducation that manipulated and distorted the views of Hmong culture to Hmong students themselves. The U.S system of education has always seemed to have a predicament with students of color. Our culture is wrong and we are the issues here in America; therefore, we are the ones that need to be changed- or “fixed” to adjust to the dominant culture. Hmong individuals, as well as many Asian-Americans, are losing their own identity. Mouavangsou mentions how “Hmong Americans who have been educated through the US educational system, become products of the system, and in turn regurgitate the white lies that they have been fed.” Students in America who come from different backgrounds don’t get many chances to learn more about their own culture which leads them to think they aren’t as important, or even insecure about their own culture. Something I was able to relate to Hmong culture is the importance in education. Being raised in a Bengali family, I was taught to treat my education with the highest priority. My parents grew up in Bangladesh and weren’t given the opportunities I get here in America. They worked extremely hard to make sure my brother and I get the greatest education I can possibly get and build a better future for my family.

Question: Why is Asian-American culture so widely misrepresented in American Education?


1.  Mouavangsou, K.N. (2016). Hmong does not Mean Free: the Miseducation of Hmong Americans. Retrieved October 8, 2017.

2.  Parker, D. (2013, March 04). Hmong Education in America. Retrieved October 08, 2017, from

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