Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 3- Cory Takiguchi

Cory Takiguchi
Week 3

The article “Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation of Hmong Americans” by Kaozong Mouavangsou focuses on the treatment of Hmong Americans in the American education system. The K-12 education system is tailored toward “being provided information” and regurgitating facts. The system fails to dive into the culture of other groups. Unfortunately, the education system lacks diversity because it mainly provides information about American based events. These include well known US Battles such as the Revolutionary, Civil, and World Wars. While these events are vital in understanding the history of the United States, the education system should discuss battles that affect other countries and groups, such as the Vietnam War. I was surprised to learn the Hmong community was involved in the battle. I knew very little about the Hmongs before the reading, presumably because they were never discussed during my history classes. Learning about other groups is important for our nation’s development. We can borrow practices they did well and learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately, our country’s education system likes to focus on the “good times.” It likes to boast about their independence against Britain while ignoring the pain they caused Japanese Americans during WWII. Our current education system is disrespectful to the Hmong culture. If our schools taught more about the Hmong identity then people wouldn’t call them “Meo,” or barbarian, by assumption. We would learn about their struggle to construct a language against an opposing force. America’s selfish thinking is a reason why European countries tend to view us as “snobby.” It starts with the US K-12 education system and a change must be made to be more inclusive of all cultures.

What worldwide battles or significant events do you wish you the K-12 education system covered in more depth?

Image result for america education system comic

Mouavangsou, Kaozong. (2016). Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation of Hmong Americans. Retrieved October 7, 2017.  

Thibert, Eric. (2014, October 2). Eurocentrism is American Public Education. Retrieved October 7, 2017 from:

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