Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 3- Brandon Choi

Brandon Choi
Week 3

"Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation Of Hmong Americans," by Kaozong N. Mouavangsou, analyzes the problems within Hmong people's education. The Hmong culture greatly values the importance of education among their families. However, their culture creates a problem in that Men that go through school and do well are viewed as weak, where as, women are viewed to be smarter and better at school. This divide makes it unfair to the men in Hmong culture because they aren't given the same chance as women are to excel in higher education. Also having the education system itself against the Hmong people makes the problem bigger. Being systematically divided based on abilities within classrooms have adverse effects on the student and especially the boys. I feel that this problem is very serious as people are not given equal chances in succeeding in education. Having to never face an issue such as this, if anything the exact opposite issue of valuing education as extremely important to financial security in the future makes this article an interesting one. I really enjoyed taking a look into another culture and how they view educational system. The Hmong people must be helped in order to create balance in their educational roles within families. I feel that families should revalue and rethink their son's education to better their futures.

Are these views originated from the Hmong's native country?


Maital, Shlomo. "Wanted — in America: Educated Men." TIMnovate. N.p., 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2017.

Mouavangsou, K. N. Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation Of Hmong Americans (excerpt of thesis); University of California, Davis.

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