Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 2-Yingjun Huang

Yingjun Huang
Week 2

After finished reading Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety by OiYan Poon and Ajani Byrd, I feel glad I had read this article because it cleared up so much misunderstanding or stereotype towards Asian American such as they determine the college they enroll all by their parents. For instance, the study showed that first-generation college students tend to turn to their counselor more on getting advises on their way to apply and deciding which college to go.

The cases of Andrew or Danielle drew my attention because the article sounded like both of them have been affected deeply by their parents on choosing colleges or universities. The article didn’t give the reason why Andrew’s father wanted him to attend Cornell, or why Danielle’s parents wanted her to stay close to them. My understanding of this is because their parents were most likely to be somewhat traditional Chinese parents, that is: they don’t have the sense of security in their lives. When your son is doing fine, you want him to apply some prestigious university he didn’t think he wants to, or when your daughter is super gifted and wanted to broaden her horizon by studying in a farther place but you ask her to stay close to you just within reachable distance——these actions just showed me their lack of sense of security and anxiety.

I’m not that arrogant to say that this is exactly why their parents did so. What I said is just a way tried to reason their action, based on my own experience as a Chinese student and have met Chinese parents in China or immigrated into the US. About Tiger Moms, sometimes parents behaving like that is because they felt so unsecured they had to intervene their children’s education path or even life path which they shouldn’t have.
I have no idea how to conclude on this, I’ll just say I’m happy I have read this article, to have more thoughts about my education path and many other Asian American students’.
While this comic is hilarious to me, it's also true to some extend.
While this article suggested that students choosing universities and colleges not solely depends on their parents’ opinions, I wonder if Professor Valverde had received advice from her parents and what the advice was.


1. Poon, O and A Byrd. "Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices." Journal of College Admission, 2013. Retrieved October 8, 2017.

2. Tiger Mom[Digital image]. (2011) Retrived October 1, 2017 from

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