Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 2 - Trenton Guarienti

Trenton Guarienti
Section A02
Week 2

Today’s education system is a relic of the Industrial Revolution and corporate interests in being able to craft an entire generation of perfect workers. “The Untold History of Modern Education: The Founding Fathers” goes into how the trend towards increasing educational standardization is a pursuit of income by corporations who sell the education material (Lee 2), but I would argue that it goes beyond even that. By forcing students to meet the same standard across the nation without regard to their talents or shortcomings might on the surface seem like a necessity for a system on a scale as large as the US, but really it just forces everyone to attempt to fit a very particular mold in their formative years, one that is “meant to churn out assembly-line workers” (Smith). That is not to say that education is bad; it is one of the most important aspects of modern day. It is also by no fault of the teachers on the individual level, as many of them entered that profession with the desire to teach and guide students—something that can be readily done if the desire is there. M What really surprised me about this article were the statistics that it used. That only 64% of students graduate university-level within six years seems wildly ridiculous (I hold no judgement on how long it takes a person, take all the time you need for your education). Something the article didn’t touch on is that it is the longer these students are in college, the more money those colleges will make off those students, furthering the concept that this system was made to profit off education that is becoming increasingly necessary for a career and a livelihood. 

Lee, J. (2016, June 17). The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers.
Retrieved October 08, 2017, from
Smith, K. (2014, January 11). US education model creates assembly-line workers. Retrieved October 08, 2017, from
T. (2010, October 14). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms. Retrieved October 08, 2017, from

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